How To Pray The Rosary

Introductory Prayers (Begin here)
- Crucifix. Make the Sign of the Cross and pray the Apostles' Creed
- "For our Holy Father I pray" Our Father...
- "For an increased devotion to Faith" Hail Mary...
- "For Hope" Hail Mary...
- "For Charity" Hail Mary...
- At space between 3rd Hail Mary and Pater bead pray the Glory Be and Fatima Prayer. After these prayers, this is a perfect place to offer up your intentions (Bronze Charm to help remember)
The Five Decades/Mysteries
- Announce the First Mystery and Pray the Our Father on next Pater Bead. For the remaining four decades, pray the Our Father on the large Pater Beads.
- Pray the Hail Mary on each bead.
- Pray the Glory Be, then the Fatima Prayer on the space between the 10th bead and the next Pater Bead.
- Repeat for each remaining decades/Mysteries
Closing Prayers
- Pray the Hail Holy Queen (The Salve Regina)
- Pray the Let Us Pray
- Make the Sign of the Cross. Amen